Mendaftar Adsense Tapi Dapetnya Cuma Adsense for Search, Kenapa tuh?

Ternyata saat ini ada beberapa kendala dalam melakukan pendaftaran di google adsense. Tidak seperti jaman dulu (beberapa bulan yang lalu) ketika saya mendaftar. Saat itu mudah daftarnya dan juga cepat proses "Aprove"nya (disetujuinya). Tapi yang terjadi saat ini tidaklah demikian, selain proses "Approvenya" yang lumayan lama ada juga yang sudah di "approve" tapi bisanya cuma pasang "Adsense for Search". Berarti dia hanya bisa memasang Adsense search engina saja, tidak bisa memasang "adsense for content".

Banyak sekali teman2 dan rekan2 bloger yang mendaftar di google adsense bertanya kapadaku, baik melalui kotak komentar di blog maupun melalui YM. Kemudian saya mencoba memahaminya. Kalo menurut digaanku kalo gak salah mungkin itu karena web/blog yang didaftarkan di google adsense menggunakan "Bahasa Indonesia". Nha untuk mengatasinya coba buat blog berbahasa Inggris kemudian daftarkan blogmu di Account google adsensemu. Kalo gak mau susah-susah mikir buat isi content berbahasa inggris, coba cari artikel2 di internet yang berbahasa inggris kemudian kamu copy paste trus kamu posting ke blogmu.
he..he..Semoga berhasil

Info Tambahan

Kok mulai kemarin "Adsense content" untuk blog berbahasa indonesia kok sudah tidak bisa lagi ya, yang muncul hanya "Iklan layanan Masyarakat", apa google sudah mencabut lagi keputusannya untuk membolehkan adsense dipasang di blog berbahasa indonesia ya?? (emangnya dulu google udah memutuskan "boleh" ?? he..he.. tau deh)
duh.. jadi turun deh pendapatan nih.. (kayak pendapatannya besar aja, padahal dapetnya dikit2 ..he..he..)

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Web Hosting Information Provider

Nowdays, There are many web hosting service provider from all over the world. So, it can be confusing for us to choose the best web hosting service. It's can be complicated, there are some very important features that you need to make sure of. With a popular or well known and reliable Internet Service Provider (ISP) you will not face many problems, but with a poor web hosting service provider it can make you frustating and will be a nightmare. Before you you make decission, I suggested you to go to to get some information about web hosting is a great site and very useful site for everyone who needs information about web hosting. They provide many useful information about web hosting such as web hosting reviews, web hosting articles , web hosting resources, and many more. It's excellent website for everyone who wants to find the best web hosting service, because they have provide many webhosting reviews from many web hosting service provider from all over the world. You will find usefull information before deciding to choose the best web hosting service for you. They have reviewed of many web hosting service provider. You will know about web hosting cost, package, customer rating reviews, uptime monitoring, reliability, general and additional features, and other information.

You also can find more information about web hosting award such as best budget hosting, best blog hosting, best forum hosting, best unix hosting, best windows hosting, best PHP hosting, best email hosting, best ecommerce hosting, best multi-domain hosting, best VPS hosting, best reseler hosting, and best dedicated hosting. It's very interesting. is an excellent web hosting information provider. They are also provide some articles on how to choose the best web hosting for you. It;s very very complete.

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RHUB Web Conferencing Appliance

Web conferencing is used to conduct live meetings or presentations over the Internet. Participants are connected over an intranet or through the internet and can easily share their screens with each other. They can just as easily work together on documents, provide support, or present products online. Web conferencing uses the Internet to connect people through their computers by sharing the information among their computers. It saves time and money. Web conferencing is often sold as a service, hosted on a web server controlled by the vendor, either on a usage basis (cost per user per minute) or for a fixed fee (cost per "seat"). Another option is you buy own web conferencing system from RHUB Web Conferencing Appliance

RHUB is a premier provider of on-premise web conferencing appliances that meet the needs of any organization. RHUB's on-premise web conferencing appliances focus on criteria of the highest importance to users: Ease-of-use, Affordability, Security, Control, and Reliability.
RHUB Web conferencing appliance can be used for:

* Sales/marketing presentations
* Product demonstrations
* Staff meetings
* Engineering collaboration
* Online training and e-learning
* Tele-commuting and remote employees
* Any remote collaboration facilitated by desktop sharing

RHUB also offers full "Universal Access" capability, where an attendee with a modern browser can join a meeting with no download required. RHUB Web conferencing appliance extends real-time collaboration well beyond conventional Web conferencing by combining multiple applications:

Web Conferencing - Web-based interactive meetings
Remote Support - with remote reboot capability
Remote Access - remote access to computers at home or office from anywhere, anytime

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Trik Membuat Hasil Pencarian Google Search Tampil di Halaman Posting

Jika Kita memasang "Google Adsense for Search" atau search engine dari google adsense, maka ada tiga macam cara untuk menampilkan hasil pencariannya, yaitu:
1. Open results on Google in the same window (ditampilkan di halaman yang sama)
2. Open results on Google in a new window (ditampilkan dihalaman yang baru)
3. Open results within my own site (ditampilkan di site yang kita kehendaki).

Yang paling mudah adalah memakai cara yang pertama dan kedua, tapi cara ini membuat pungunjung yg melakukan pencarian kurang begitu antusias karena hasil pencariannya tidak lagi berada di blog kita. Kalo menurutku cara yg ketiga yang paling bagus, karena hasil pencariannya akan langsung berada di dalam web/blog kita. Ttapi cara ini membutuhkan beberapa trik agar bisa tampil di dalam postingan blogger. Yang pengen tahu beginilah caranya :

1. Buat postingan di blogger, tapi isinya kosong. trus dikasih judul.
2. Ganti tanggal postingnya ke tanggal yg lebih lama biar tidak muncul di halaman utama. caranya klik link "Post Option" (kiri bawah) kemdian yang didalam kotak "Post date and time" itu tanggalnya diganti. kalo sudah "Publish Post"
3. Masuk di "edit post" trus klik kanan link "View" pada judul postingan kosong yang km buat tadi, trus pilih "Copy link location" (bagi yg pake opera). Intinya yaitu mengambil link dari judul postingan kosongmu tadi.
3. Selanjutnya yaitu Login di google adsense, trus buat "Adsense for search".
5. lakukan beberapa settingnya, seperti memlih tampilan dan lain2.
6. Kemudian saat masuk ke pilihan "Opening of search results page" pilih yang "Open results within my own site", trus isikan link postinganmu tadi kedalam kotak dibawahnya.
7. Lalu didalam kotak "Enter width of results area:" ganti menjadi angka yg lebih kecil supaya muat di dalam bagian utama (postingan) blogmu. Minimal 500 px.
8. Ikuti terus langkah berikutnya sampai km nanti dikasih script dari google. Biasanya akan ada dua script, yang pertama untuk Foor Search Enginenya, yang kedua untuk hasil pencariannya.
9. Copy script yg pertama dan taruh di blogger, "Page element-->Add page element -->Html/Javascript".
10. Script yang kedua juga sama, copy ke "Page element-->Add page element -->Html/Javascript", tapi kemudian geser/taruh pagelement script yang kedua tadi, ke bawah dari element utama/postingan. (mudeng gak ya).
11. Kalo sudah trus simpan dan coba deh....

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Siapa Yang Menjiplak Artikle Blogmu?

Nah, pas jalan-jalan gak sengaja ketemu situs bagus. Situs buat mengetahui siapa yang telah menjiplak artikel di blog kita. Caranya cukup mudah, gak perlu mendaftar, tinggal taruh alamat/URL blogmu trus pencet tombol "GO", tinggal tunggu bentar trus langsung keluar siapa yang ngambil ato yang copy paste artikel blogmu. Kalo untuk mengetahui siapa yang menjiplak artikel2 atau postingan2 tertentu maka yg kamu masukkan ke sana adalah link dari judul postinganmu, jadi nanti akan ketahuan siapa yang menjiplak postinganmu tersebut.

Tapi sayang untuk yang versi gratis kita hanya bisa mengetahui beberapa aja, jadi gak bisa mengetahui semua yang ngopy paste blog kita. Tapi lumayan kan buat mengintip dikit. he..he.. . OK bagi yang pengen tahu nih alamatnya, langsung datengin aja tuh kesana.

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Bluetooth Technology & Accessories

Bluetooth is a communications protocol primarily designed for low power consumption, with short range ( 1meter, 10 meters, 100 meters). Bluetooth enables these device to communicate with each other when they are in range. The devices use a radio communications system, so they do not have to be in line of sight of each other, and can even be in other rooms as long as the received transmissionis powerful enough. Nowdays, bluetooth technology often use for connected between mobile phone and it's accessories. Bluetooth Accessories is very useful and very pleasant, because it's no need cable to connect with other devices. When we use Bluetooth Accessories such as Bluetooth Headsets it is more pleasant than if we use commonly headset that use cable to connected with.

Bluetooth wireless technology is a wireless protocol utilizing short range communication technology facillitating both voice and data transmission over short distance. Bluetooth exist in many products such as telephones/mobilephones, printers, modems, headsets and many more. Bluetooth is commonly use to transfer byte data with hand-held computers (transfering files) or to transfer sound data with telephones (i.e with bluetooth headsets). Bluetooth provides a way to connect and axchange information between devices such as telephones, mobile phones, lap tops, personal computer, printers, digitals camera, GPS receiver, headset, video game consoles and many more.

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