20 Tips Secrets Increase Alexa Rank Rank Blog / Website

Hello Buddy Maya Information , Today kang salman want ngepost about Alexa. a few days ago someone asked me how fast way to get indexed in alexa search. generally similar to google if you want indexed we must submit to the diligent, industrious directory-directory and of course, commenting on blogs that have good ratings and blogs that have dofollow . well below are some tips that apply salman kang. please follow.

1. Install Alexa toolbar or extension Firefox SearchStatus and set your blog as a homepage on your browser. This is the most basic step.
2. Install Alexa ranking widget on the web. I do it every almost every blog and receive a few clicks every day. According to some, each click is calculated as a visit even if the toolbar is not used by the visitors.
3. Encourage others to use the Alexa toolbar . Include your friends, fellow webmasters as well visitors or readers of the blog / site. Make sure that you link to a detailed explanation given by Alexa on their toolbar and tracking system they use so that the readers know what they will toolbar installed.
4. If you work in a cafe, offices, etc. Install the Alexa toolbar or extension Firefox SS in all the computers there and attach it as a homepage on your web all browsers . Maybe it would help only if the computer in the office uses Dynamic IP or different. salman kang often do this while idly playing to the cafe-cafe which kang salman find.
5. Ask your friends to review (review) and assess profile website you think Alexa Kang salman feel this to be our added value in the eyes alexa rank
6. Write an article on Alexa . Webmasters and bloggers love to read how to improve rankingsAlexa . They will create a link to your article and, if lucky they will kindly send visitors to your blog (in other words the visitors with the toolbar installed). This will gradually have an effect on your Alexa ranking.
7. Show off your URL in webmaster forums . Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed on their computer. You will get a visit from the webmaster and are able to offer useful feedback. It's also a good way to give back to the community if you have useful articles to share with others.
8. Write articles relating to the webmaster . Webmaster is a web that is big enough and deal with many visitors, for example: This blog hehehe joke, the article could discuss the domain and SEO, two fields in which the webmaster will have the Alexa toolbar installed. Promote your content on social networking web and webmaster forums.
9. Use Alexa redirect URL for your web . Try this: Replace http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?www.doshdosh.com doshdosh.com with the URL of your blog. Leave this link in a blog comment forum signature as well. This redirect will be counted as unique IP addresses every single day so clicking on this link a few times will not help. According to Kang salman news to hear, There is no evidence remsi that redirects positively benefit your Alexa ranking, so use with caution.
10. Post article on the social networking Web Asia or forums . Some webmasters have suggested that users of the web of East Asia is a big fan of toolbars Alexa , Judging from the presence of some websites from Asia that appears in the Alexa Top 500. I recommend trying this if you have the capacity to do so.
11. Creation of a webmaster tools section on your website . This is a magnet for webmasters who will often visit your website to gain access to that tool. eg the meta tag analysis tool, or check pagerank etc.
12. Get visitors to spread your articles to Digg or stumbled and Facebook and Twitter . Usually this will bring many visitors to your website and the number is escalating rapidly it will cause a positive impact to your Alexa ranking. Naturally, you need to develop an article that deserve to be linked.
13. Do tapped advertising campaign with Pay Per Click . Beli spot iklan di search engine seperti Google atau Exact Seek akan menolong anda memperoleh sejumlah pengunjung. Dua kali lipat menguntungkan anda bila iklan anda sangat relevan untuk webmaster. atau silakan klik disini untuk cara promosi yang baik
14. Create an Alexa category on your blog and use it as a category when you write an article or any news regarding Alexa . This action is a source that is easily accessible by the webmaster or the visitors who come from search engines and also will help increase your rankings in a search result. Although not actually implement this salman kang: p hehehe but important Lift up your visitor to more easily access information on Alexa
15. Optimize your popular posts . You have a popular post that regularly get traffic from search engines? Enter a widget / graphic at the bottom of the post it, link to posts about Alexa that you create or use Alexa redirection from within your internal URLs.
16. Place an Ad banners and links to get visitors from webmaster forums and sites . Ads that are flashy and good will attract many visitors to your site, which can significantly raise your rankings.
17. Rent graphic editor to make up your web . Cara lain beli tanda tangan di sebuah forum web atau promosikan artikel tertentu atau materi tertentu di situs anda secara teratur. Anda bisa dengan mudah menemukan editor grafis untuk disewa di Digital Point dan forum webmaster lain. tujuannya agar memaksimalkan kekuatan tersembunyi dari situs anda
18. Ini cara yang tidak kang salman gunakan, Bayar pemilik Warnet untuk menginstall toolbar Alexa dan memasang situs anda sebagai homepage untuk semua komputer mereka. This may be difficult to negotiable and a solution that does not really work for most people. But some say that it worked. (But can be an inspiration for you. Kang salman by trying to outsmartngelamar internship in the cafe. Please ye ngelamar work to the cafe deh, but can ngenet free, you also can more freely change the homepage hihihi)
19. Use MySpace . It is somewhat unfair and kang salman not recommend it highly unless you are really interested to manipulate your Alexa ranking. Use visually attractive pictures or banners and link the picture to the URL you are already diredirected to Alexa. This is effective if your website has content that is relevant to users of MySpace.
20. Coba Alexa auto surf . Do they work? Maybe for a site that is really new. I think they would be very appropriate for the new site a very poor Alexa rank. Remember that there will be problems when you try to use auto surf, along with contextual ads like Adsense. And it is also not a long term solution to improving your Alexa ranking so I suggest you be careful in this way.

Sources of articles about Alexa Rank
Some tips on top of the article is taken from Aaron Wall, Kang Kang Rohman and Salman Personal experience about Alexa rankings.

Just a basic knowledge course:

Jika angka renking alexa kita semakin kecil itu tandanya pengunjung blog kita semakin bertambah sebaliknya bila angka alexa kita menurun drastis itu artinya pengjung blog kita berkurang atau terlampaui oleh blog lain sehingga anda kalah

Oh ya Ranking Alexa yang kita milikipun sering kali menjai patokan bagi pemasang Iklan dan review produk orang lain

Peter Norvig write about the Alexa Toolbar and he tested some of the problems with Alexa as a tool to measure traffic:

But one alleged they did not really respond to is: the data will be very good if the data represent a random sample of Internet users, but the fact that the data represent only those who install the Alexa toolbar, and that the sample was not random.

People who are into the sample must be sophisticated enough to know how to install the toolbar, and they must have reasons to want the toolbar. It turned out that the toolbar tells you about the website, so the toolbar is useful for people from industry Seo, so the toolbar is too represent those people.

The bottom line. alexa toolbar will be a terrible engine when used properly, and in kobinasikan with good seo

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