20 Tips to Make Blog With a Friendly Visitor

20 Tips to Make Blog With a Friendly Visitor. : 

  1. Make content updates on the blog as often as possible, I recommend 2 day 1 time.
  2. Do not be too much to install widgets. Many widgets will be a heavy blog membuaat
  3. Avoid the use of flash, both flash widget or banner. it will create heavy blog
  4. Make a blog is simple. Yet despite its simple content and excellent quality ..
  5. Color must be harmonious blend, this makes the eyes of visitors do not get tired of reading.
  6. Note tidiness in writing. is one of the seo techniques, so it must be applied
  7. Options images should match the theme or topic in the talk. picture could explain the different meanings 1000. and our character.
  8. Information should be clear, concise solid and not long-winded.
  9. Service to visitors is the number one. so try to reply to a question or visit them.
  10. Encourage him to discuss and ask what problems he was facing
  11. Not too many ads. It makes visitors more reluctant to return your kesitus for several weeks, but if it does not interfere with neat and comfortable reading is not a problem.
  12. Respect other people's opinions, whether negative, rebuttal, and input. bad good opinion of them that basically build yourself for better and advanced.
  13. Learning from past experience.
  14. Do not put music on the blog, I think when people online were already turning to music in media player or winamp their computer, the music on your blog will disrupt their
  15. Avoid using excessive java script alerts, attach it on a particular page
  16. Visit and write comments on their blog, do not ever include links in comments because your comments will be removed (except on blogs dofollow)
  17. Do not be arrogant. The higher one's popularity, it must increasingly menunduklah him, remember the adage of rice, " increasingly contain and weight, the more bent or down the stem ".
  18. Be kind to everyone, because then you would be in either by the people.
  19. Provide facilities or guestbook guest book in your blog / website, because this widget is one of the features they liked best.
  20. Writing should be clear, good at reading

Okay pal virtual information, please excuse me already 4 months of this content is not in the content. It took me 4 months to do research on various Web sites and blogs both in and outside the country to be able to attract 20 essential pillars of a site.
Hopefully by the end of the study. and with a kang kesimpualan salman get on top, hopefully to 20 points can be pertibangan material for other fellow bloggers

Final word Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Arsip Blog