Mario Teguh - Kebebasan Memilih & Kesungguhan Tindakan

Banyak "Pribadi Besar" yang terperangkap mengerjakan sesuatu yang kecil, dan terus berusaha mempertahankannya. Hanya dikarenakan kurangnya keyakinan akan kualitas talenta yang dimilikinya, yang seringkali dapat membawanya kepada keadaan yang lebih baik.

Mario Teguh - Rekindling the Fire Within

Kita memiliki kebebasan untuk memilih.

Tetapi mengapakah sebagian dari kita memilih untuk tetap berada dalam keadaan yang dikeluhkannya itu ?

Apakah mereka tidak menyadari bahwa kualitas hidup mereka bergantung pada kualitas-kualitas keputusan mereka

dan bahwa kesegeraan perbaikan hidup mereka bergantung pada kesegeraan mereka dalam memutuskan ?

Perhatikanlah bahwa kualitas tindakan Anda menentukan kualitas dari hasil yang Anda capai !!!

Namun Kesungguhan untuk menggunakan talenta-lah yang membuat seseorang dibedakan kebesarannya. Sehingga Keberhasilan akan lebih mudah ditemukan, ketika seseorang memfokuskan diri dengan kesungguhan utuh dalam pengembangan talenta yang dimilikinya.

Mario Teguh - Becoming Bigger than Yourself

Penghalang terbesar dari keberhasilan adalah perasaan tidak berhak untuk berhasil,

bahwa keberhasilan hanya diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang terpilih.

Padahal yang telah mencapai keberhasilan selalu adalah

mereka yang dengan perlahan dan bertahap digembirakan dengan hasil dari kesungguhannya

untuk membuktikan bahwa hasil adalah hak bagi mereka yang berupaya

Sumber: Milis SuperClub Frans Albert

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Seperti bayi

Sepasang kekasih yang hendak menikah sedang berkencan.
Cewek berbisik pada kekasihnya,
"Sekarang waktunya kita saling jujur agar kelak kita tidak kecewa."
Cowok mengangguk.
"Sesungguhnya dada saya rata seperti papan, kalau kau tidak suka katakan saja. Kita bisa batalkan rencana pernikahan ini. Saya siap menghadapinya", kata cewek.

Cowok dengan lemah lembut menjawab,
"Itu tidak masalah. Bagiku seks bukanlah hal yang penting. Tetapi cinta kasih".
Cewek pun lega mendengarkannya.
"Saya juga perlu mengatakan sesuatu sejujurnya padamu.", sambut cowok.
Cewek mengangguk tersenyum.

"Sesungguhnya 'anu' saya seperti bayi...", kata cowok.
"Sstt... sudahlah itu tidak soal. Bagiku seks bukanlah hal yang penting. Tetapi cinta kasih.", sahut cewek.

Cowok pun lega mendengarkannya. Malam pengantin tiba. Cewek mulai membuka baju dan tampaklah dadanya yang memang...
memang... benar-benar rata. Cowok hanya tersenyum melihatnya.

Kemudian cowok mulai membuka celananya sehingga tampaklah "anu"-nya. Melihat itu cewek menjerit dan pingsan.
Setelah siuman si cewek bertanya,
"Kata kamu punyamu itu seperti bayi???"
"Yah, memang seperti bayi, panjang 50 cm dan berat 3 kg.

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Wanita mencari suami yang sempurna

Sebuah toko unik yang menjual calon suami baru saja dibuka di kota New York, tempat dimana wanita dapat memilih dan membeli suami yang paling tepat untuknya. Di antara instruksi-instruksi yang ada di pintu masuk terdapat instruksi yang menunjukkan bagaimana aturan main untuk masuk toko tersebut.


Toko tersebut terdiri dari 6 lantai, dimana semakin tinggi lantainya, semakin tinggi pula harga lelaki tersebut. Anda dapat memilih lelaki di lantai tertentu atau lebih memilih ke lantai berikutnya tetapi Anda tidak bisa turun ke lantai sebelumnya. Lalu, seorang wanita pergi ke Toko Suami tersebut untuk mencari suami yang tepat untuknya. Setelah ia membayar karcis masuk ke toko tersebut dengan harga yang cukup mahal, ia mulai memasuki lantai pertama.

Di lantai 1 terdapat tulisan:
Lantai 1: "Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan dan taat pada Tuhan."

Karena ingin suami yang lebih baik, kemudian ia memilih untuk naik lagi ke lantai berikutnya. Di lantai 2 terdapat tulisan:
Lantai 2: "Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan dan senang anak kecil."

Karena ingin suami yang lebih baik, kemudian ia memilih untuk naik lagi ke lantai berikutnya. Di lantai 3 terdapat tulisan:
Lantai 3: "Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil dan cakep."

Wow... pikir wanita tersebut, tapi dia masih penasaran dan ingin untuk terus naik.

Lalu sampailah wanita itu di lantai 4 dan terdapat tulisan:
Lantai 4: "Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil, cakep banget dan suka membantu pekerjaan rumah."

"Ya ampun..!" Si wanita berseru, "Aku hampir tak percaya..!".

Si wanita penasaran dan tetap melanjutkan ke lantai 5 dan terdapat tulisan seperti ini:
Lantai 5: "Lelaki di lantai ini memiliki pekerjaan, taat pada Tuhan, senang anak kecil, cakep banget, suka membantu pekerjaan rumah dan memiliki sifat romantis."

Dia tergoda untuk berhenti di lantai 5, tapi kemudian dia melangkah kembali ke lantai 6 dan di lantai itu terdapat tulisan:
Lantai 6: "Anda adalah pengunjung yang ke 4363012. Tidak ada lelaki di lantai ini, lantai ini hanyalah semata-mata bukti untuk wanita yang tidak pernah puas seperti Anda! Terima kasih telah datang di Toko Suami. Hati-hati ketika keluar toko dan semoga hari ini adalah hari yang indah buat Anda!"

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Theme Windows 7 untuk Windows XP

windows 7 Kehadiran Operating System Windows 7 besutan Microsoft gaungnya jauh lebih nyaring dibanding dengan produk Microsoft sebelum yang diberi label  Windows Vista. Oleh karena tidak heran jika banyak orang ingin mencoba seberapa handalkah Windows 7. Namun, tidak semua orang bisa merasakan kehandalan dan keindahan dari Windows 7, banyak alasan tentunya, mulai dari harga software tersebut yang belum terjangkau oleh isi kantong atau hardware yang lama tidak kompatibel dengan windows 7 sehingga ujung-ujungnya tetap harus keluar kocek yang banyak.

Bagi anda pemakai OS Windows XP namun ingin merasakan citarasa kelezatan Windows 7 ada cara mudah, murah nan meriah yaitu dengan cara menginstall Theme Windows 7 untuk Windows XP. Dengan terinstallnya Theme Windows 7 pada XP anda, maka kelembutan dan kehalusan Windows 7 akan anda rasakan dan nikmati Big Grin


Windows-Xp Windows-7


Berikut beberapa link download Theme Windows 7 untuk Windows XP :


    windows 7 themecomplete

Selain link diatas tentunya masih banyak lagi theme windows 7 yang bisa anda dapat, silahkan anda cari sendiri. Namun tentunya ini hanyalah theme, tidak seluruh fitur Windows 7 akan anda rasakan dan perlu diketahui juga bahwa dengan menggunakan theme ini maka sedikit berpengaruh terhadap kinerja atau kecepatan proses komputer anda.

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Top 10 Controversial Flags

Flags are meant to be a symbol under which people unite – but in many cases a flag can cause division. Emotions run high when it comes to patriotism so it is not surprising that attempts to change a flag – or to fly a flag which identifies a minority of the members of a nation, can cause animosity. This list looks at 10 flags that are controversial.

The Rainbow Flag

Gay Rainbow Flying Flag

The Rainbow flag or Pride flag of the LGBT community (also known as the gay pride flag) is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride and LGBT social movements in use since the 1970s. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community, and the flag is often used as a symbol of gay pride in LGBT rights marches. It originated in the United States, but is now used worldwide. Designed by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978, the design has undergone several revisions to first remove then re-add colors due to widely available fabrics. As of 2008, the most common variant consists of six stripes, with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The flag is commonly flown horizontally, with the red stripe on top, as the colors would appear in a natural rainbow.

The Angus Flag

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In 2007 in Angus, one of the 32 local government council areas of Scotland, the Angus Council decided to scrap the Saltire (the flag of Scotland) and replace it with a new Angus flag. This move led to public outcry across Scotland with more than 7,000 people signing a petition opposing the council’s move, leading to a compromise whereby the Angus flag would not replace but be flown alongside the Saltire on Council buildings. The new flag was criticized as a waste of time and money, as well as a politically motivated move. The design consists of four quarters containing a crowned lion passant, a cinquefoil, a checked strip crossed with buckled belt and a depiction of the heart of Robert the Bruce to represent the four ancient earldoms of Angus.

The Sun of Vergina Flag

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On August 11, 1992, the newly-independent Republic of Macedonia adopted a new flag to replace the old Communist “red star” insignia. The flag depicted a stylized yellow sun centered on a red field with eight main and eight secondary rays emanating from the sun, tapering to a point. This ancient symbol was known as the Vergina Sun or Vergina Star, named after the Greek town where it had been discovered in archaeological excavations of the ancient Macedonian city of Aigai. It had also been adopted by many in the then SocialistRepublic of Macedonia to symbolize historical connections between that country and ancient Macedon and had been paraded in demonstrations by ethnic Macedonians at home and abroad.

The flag, the new state’s constitution and its name all became the focus of a bitter dispute between the two countries, during which Greece imposed an economic blockade on the Republic from February 1994. In July 1995, Greece lodged a request with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for exclusive copyright to the Vergina Sun. Greek objections also prevented the flag from being flown at the United Nations Headquarters building in New York. The blockade was lifted in October 1995 when an agreement was reached to change the flag, modify the constitution and resolve the naming dispute through United Nations-sponsored negotiations.

The Pre-Islamic Revolution Iranian Flag


Like the country’s current flag, the former one contains horizontal bands of green, white and red, but the emblem in the middle contains a lion, sun and sword, rather than the four crescents and sword introduced by the Islamic regime in 1980. Recently, the appearance of the pre-Islamic Revolution Iranian flag at U.S. rallies against the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stirred tension between two generations of protesters. While they all came out to express solidarity with protesters in Iran, each group views the flag very differently. Supporters of Iran’s deposed shah often bring out the flag at demonstrations, and some would be happy to see a constitutional monarchy restored in Iran or a secular democracy with no royal figurehead. Younger protesters do not want to give Iran’s rulers any excuse to accuse them of links to a movement that seeks to overthrow the current regime, and often plead with older protesters to put away their flags.

Japan’s Rising Sun Flag


The Rising Sun Flag is the military flag of Japan. It was used as the ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy and the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army until the end of World War II. It is also presently the ensign of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and the war flag of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force. It is also waved during the Japanese New Year and in sporting events. The design is similar to the flag of Japan in that it has a red circle close to the middle signifying the sun, the difference being the addition of extra sun rays (16 for the ensign) exemplifying the name of Japan as “The Land of the Rising Sun”. The flag was used in overseas actions from the Meiji period to World War II. When Japan was defeated in August 1945, the flag was banned by Allied Occupation authorities. However with the re-establishment of a Self-Defense Force the flag was re-adopted in 1954. The flag with 16 rays is today the ensign of the Maritime Self-Defense Force while the Ground Self-Defense Force uses an 8 ray version. This flag is often considered offensive in countries which were victims of Japanese aggression, particularly China and Korea, where it is considered as a symbol of Japanese imperialism.

The Patriotes Flag

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The Patriotes flag is a politically charged symbol often used by hardline nationalists in Quebec. It was used by the Patriote movement in Lower Canada (present-day Quebec) between 1832 and 1838. It is highly similar to the civil flag of the German bundesland of North Rhine-Westphalia. Some theories about its origins pretend that the color green was adopted to represent the Irish of Lower Canada, the color white for the “French Canadians” and red the English of the territory. Some also say that the tricolor style was inspired by the French tricolor, symbol of the French Revolution that inspired the Patriotes. It became the national flag of the Republic of Lower Canada at the Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada in 1838.

Nowadays, it is used by contemporary Quebec independence supporters as a symbol of their movement and ideal. As such, it serves a purpose similar to the Estelada flags, symbols of the Catalan independence movement. It is often seen in crowds at Quebec National Day concerts and gatherings and was featured at the voting day assembly of YES supporters of the 1995 Quebec referendum on independence.

The Flag of Europe

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The Flag of Europe is the flag and emblem of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE.) It consists of a circle of 12 golden stars on a blue background. The blue represents the west, the number of stars represents completeness, while their position in a circle represents unity. The stars do not vary according to the members of either organization as they are intended to represent all the peoples of Europe, even those outside European integration.

In 1985 the EU, which was then the European Economic Community (EEC), adopted it as its own flag (having had no flag of its own before) at the initiative of the European Parliament. The flag is not mentioned in the EU’s treaties, its incorporation being dropped along with the European Constitution, but it is formally adopted in law. Despite it being the flag of two separate organizations, it is often more associated with the EU due to the EU’s higher profile and heavy usage of the emblem. The flag has also been used to represent Europe in sporting events and as a pro-democracy banner outside the Union. Euroscepticism, a general term for opposition to the European Union or the process ofEuropean integration, however, makes its use controversial in some cases.

The Flag of Iraq


On January 21st, 2008, a new flag was confirmed by the Iraqi parliament. In this current version, the three stars were removed, while the Takbir (the words Allaahu Akbar, or “God is Great”) was left written in green Kufic script. The flag is controversial, as some Iraqis refuse to accept the legitimacy of a government whilst foreign troops remain active in Iraq. Some Sunni tribal leaders took offense at the purging of the stars, a symbol of the nation’s former Sunni regime. However, as of April 2009, Anbar province raise the new Iraqi flag as evident on the official site of Anbar province. The New York Times reports that the flag design recently imposed is designed to be temporary and mentions that Iraqis have “expressed varying opinions about the new flag.”

The Confederate Flag


The Confederate battle flag, also called the Southern Cross, Stars and Bars, Dixie Flag, or The Rebel Flag, has been described variously as a proud emblem of Southern heritage and as a shameful reminder of slavery and segregation. In the past, several Southern states flew the Confederate battle flag along with the U.S. and state flags over their statehouses. Others incorporated the controversial symbol into the design of their state flags. The display of the Confederate flag remains a highly controversial and emotional topic, generally because of disagreement over the nature of its symbolism. As a result of these varying perceptions, there have been a number of political controversies surrounding the use of the Confederate flag in Southern state flags, at sporting events, at Southern universities, and on public buildings.

According to Civil War historian and native Southerner Shelby Foote, the flag traditionally represented the South’s resistance to Northern political dominance; it became racially charged during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, when fighting against desegregation suddenly became the focal point of that resistance.

The Flag of the USA


Also called the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and The Star-Spangled Banner, the flag features fifty stars, representing the fifty states, and thirteen stripes, which represent the original thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British crown and became the first states in the Union.

The American flag is to some a symbol of the freedom, liberty and opportunity found in the USA, while to others it represents America’s military presence around the world or economic dominance. While it is not uncommon to see news footage of the American flag being burned in protest in the Middle East, it is also sometimes burnt in protest within the country. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that, due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as “symbolic speech.”

In my opinion, the modern era of multiculturalism in America has brought with it a lack of appreciation for the value of American symbols. America’s earliest generations of immigrants actively assimilated into American culture and appreciated the liberty they were afforded that was often not part of the cultures they left behind.


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Top 10 Most Powerful Comic Book Characters

Comics books have brought joy to millions and millions worldwide. Everyone has the personal favorite hero from comics, but they are all puny compared to the guys on here. This list has been a long time in the making. Thousands of characters had to be considered – but ultimately only ten were chosen. Be sure to mention your own favorites in the comments. Oh – and if you like comics and lists relating to them, be sure to check out the Top 10 Significant Moments in Comic History.

10. Apocalypse


Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: X Factor vol 1. #5 (June 1986)
Origins: Cairo, Egypt

En Sabah Nur is reputed to be the first mutant on earth and also the most powerful. He scores an impressive 39 out of 42 on Marvel’s official powergrid. Apocalypse has control of his body on the atomic level to go along with tremendous energy absorption and energy projecting abilities. His powers are greatly enhanced due to his mastery of alien technology specifically genetics and biochemistry.

9. Darkseid


Publisher: DC Comics
Origins: Planet Apokolips
First Appearance: Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen # 134 (November 1970)

Darkseid is worshipped as an “anti-god”. He is a supreme conqueror who is one of the greatest threats to the DC universe as he seeks to control all living beings. Darkseid is capable of unleashing unimaginable amounts of energy through his “Omega Effect” beam. He is also immortal and has displayed immeasureablee levels of strength, stamina, endurance, and mental abilities.

8. Anti Monitor

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Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 (May 1985)
Origins: Qward

Very little has been revealed about this character. What is known is that A-M is the embodiment of all the anti-matter in existence. This makes him a threat to the entire omniverse through his near limitless cosmic powers. It has been alluded that his purpose was to eliminate all matter in the omniverse, leaving only anti-matter behind. This would essentially make him “God”. Anti-Monitor has shown the ability to absorb entire universes, manipulate matter and energy on a cosmic scale and transform the very essence of reality.

7. Imperiex


Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: Superman #153 (February 2000)
Origins: Unknown

Imperiex is the DC Comics version of Galactus. A being whose plan was to hasten the end of the universe by collapsing galaxies into super black holes and create a new, perfect universe with the corresponding release of energy. Imperiex wields near omnipotent power derived from the big bang and has been described as an energy being requiring a material shell. It has shown the ability to project immensely powerful energy blasts and exert its will through a near infinite supply of “probes” which are capable of annihilating entire planets.

6. Thanos


Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Iron Man #55 (February 1973)
Origins: Titan (Saturn Moon)

Sure, many a villain threatens to destroy the universe but Thanos is the only one who can actually do it. He possesses immeasurable levels of intelligence, strength, endurance, stamina, and durability. Thanos also has exhibited the ability to manipulate enormous amounts of cosmic energy. An obsession with the female embodiment of death, led him to gain control of the infinity gauntlet, ascending him to godhood. Thanos used his power to destroy half the life in our universe by simply snapping his fingers.

5. Galactus


Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48 (1966)
Origins: Planet Taa (Pre- Big Bang)

The only survivor of the universe that existed before the Big Bang, Galactus consumes entire planets for nourishment. He has displayed god like abilities, including manipulation of molecules on a cosmic scale, conversion of matter to energy and vice versa, teleportation across great distances, erecting impenetrable force fields, etc…, all on levels beyond human comprehension. His intelligence, stamina, and endurance are also beyond any known method of calculation. Galactus is also able to scan the thoughts of virtually any known being.

4. The Presence

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Publisher: DC Comics
First Appearance: More Fun Comics # 52 (February 1940)
Origins: Silver City

The Presence is the DC comics version of the Judeo-Christian God. It is the highest being in their very complex religious cosmology which includes a second tier of “gods” such as the New Gods, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, etc. Although it has been described as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; it has also been mentioned as having appeared at some point after the beginning of reality as we know it. This ambiguity lowers The Presence’s ranking as it is generally credited with the creation of only one universe (DC), thus it may or may not be the original creator.

3. Abstract Entities

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More specifically: The Brothers, Eternity, Death, Infinity, Lord Chaos, Master Order etc.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Origins: N/A
First Appearance: N/A

They can be considered abstract concepts that have shown the ability to manifest themselves physically in order to reveal themselves or their motives to conscious beings in the omniverse. These entities have at one time or another exhibited “god like” power within their respective realms. It is not clear, however if these entities take action through their own will or if they are controlled by a higher power.

2. The Living Tribunal

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Publisher: Marvel Comics
First Appearance: Strange Tales #157 June 1967
Origins: N/A

The Living Tribunal is a virtually omnipotent and omniscient entity whose purpose is to safeguard the omniverse from imbalance. Tribunal is perfectly impartial and has shown the ability to accomplish anything it sets its will to; including the willingness to sacrifice millions to save billions and sacrifice billions to save trillions. There is absolutely no limit to what The Living Tribunal can accomplish in order to maintain balance or eliminate threats. Nevertheless; Tribunal is second to one.

1. The One Above All

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Publisher: Marvel Comics
Origins: N/A
First Appearance: Doctor Strange Vol 2, #13 (April 1976)

Creator of all realities in all timelines in every single part of the omniverse. TOAA is essentially “God” and therefore nothing can possibly exist without him. This makes TOAA more powerful than all beings or entities combined. His true identity has been alluded to as being Stan Lee, the legendary comic book creator.


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Top 10 Most Evil Men

The most unfortunate aspect to researching this list was the realization that that I could do a top 100 most evil men and still have a multitude of people for a second list! The selection of this list is based not upon death tolls, but upon the general actions, and impact, or brutality of the people. From bad to worst, here are the top 10 evil men in history.

10. Attila The Hun


Attila was Khan of the Huns from 434 until his death in 453. He was leader of the Hunnic Empire which stretched from Germany to the Ural River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea. In much of Western Europe, he is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity. An unsuccessful campaign in Persia was followed in 441 by an invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire, the success of which emboldened Attila to invade the West. He passed unhindered through Austria and Germany, across the Rhine into Gaul, plundering and devastating all in his path with a ferocity unparalleled in the records of barbarian invasions and compelling those he overcame to augment his mighty army. Attila drowned in his own blood on his wedding night.

9. Maximilien Robespierre


Maximilien Robespierre was a leader of the French revolution and it was his arguments that caused the revolutionary government to murder the king without a trial. In addition, Robespierre was one of the main driving forces behind the reign of terror, a 10 month post-revolutionary period in which mass executions were carried out. The Terror took the lives of between 18,500 to 40,000 people, with 1,900 being killed in the last month. Among people who were condemned by the revolutionary tribunals, about 8 percent were aristocrats, 6 percent clergy, 14 percent middle class, and 70 percent were workers or peasants accused of hoarding, evading the draft, desertion, rebellion, and other purported crimes.

In an act of coincidental justice, Robespierre was guillotined without a trial in 1794.

8. Ruhollah Khomeini

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Ayatollah Khomeini was the religious leader of Iran from 1979 to 1989. In that time he implemented Sharia Law (Islamic religious law) with the Islamic dress code enforced for both men and women by Islamic Revolutionary Guards and other Islamic groups. Opposition to the religious rule of the clergy or Islam in general was often met with harsh punishments. In a talk at the Fayzieah School in Qom, August 30, 1979, Khomeini said:

“Those who are trying to bring corruption and destruction to our country in the name of democracy will be oppressed. They are worse than Bani-Ghorizeh Jews, and they must be hanged. We will oppress them by God’s order and God’s call to prayer.”

In the 1988 massacre of Iranian prisoners, following the People’s Mujahedin of Iran operation Forough-e Javidan against the Islamic Republic, Khomeini issued an order to judicial officials to judge every Iranian political prisoner and kill those who would not repent anti-regime activities. Many say that thousands were swiftly put to death inside the prisons. The suppressed memoirs of Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri reportedly detail the execution of 30,000 political activists.

After eleven days in a hospital for an operation to stop internal bleeding, Khomeini died of cancer on Saturday, June 04, 1989, at the age of 86.

7. Idi Amin Dada

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Idi Amin was an army officer and president of Uganda. He took power in a military coup in January 1971, deposing Milton Obote. His rule was characterized by human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extra judicial killings and the expulsion of Indians from Uganda. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is unknown; estimates range from 80,000 to 500,000. On August 4, 1972, Amin issued a decree ordering the expulsion of the 60,000 Asians who were not Ugandan citizens (most of them held British passports). This was later amended to include all 80,000 Asians, with the exception of professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers. Amin was eventually overthrown, but until his death, he held that Uganda needed him and he never expressed remorse for the abuses of his regime.

6. Leopold II of Belgium


Leopold II was King of Belgium from 1865-1909. With financial support from the government, Leopold created the Congo Free State, a private project undertaken to extract rubber and ivory in the Congo region of central Africa, which relied on forced labour and resulted in the deaths of approximately 3 million Congolese. The regime of the Congo Free State became one of the more infamous international scandals of the turn of the century. The area of land privately owned by the King was an area 76 times larger than Belgium, which he was free to rule as a personal domain through his private army, the Force Publique. Leopold’s rubber gatherers tortured, maimed and slaughtered until at the turn of the century, the conscience of the Western world forced Brussels to call a halt.

5. Pol Pot

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Pol Pot was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and the Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979, having been de facto leader since mid-1975. During his time in power Pol Pot imposed an extreme version of agrarian communism where all city dwellers were relocatedto the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects. The combined effect of slave labour, malnutrition, poor medical care and executions is estimated to have killed around 2 million Cambodians (approximately one third of the population). His regime achieved special notoriety for singling out all intellectuals and other “bourgeois enemies” for murder. The Khmer Rouge committed mass executions in sites known as the Killing Fields. The executed were buried in mass graves. In order to save ammunition, executions were often carried out using hammers, axe handles, spades or sharpened bamboo sticks.

4. Vlad Ţepeş


Vlad III of Romania (also known as Vlad the Impaler) was Prince of Wallachia three times between 1448 and 1476. Vlad is best known for the legends of the exceedingly cruel punishments he imposed during his reign and for serving as the primary inspiration for the vampire main character in Bram Stoker’s popular Dracula novel. In Romania he is viewed by many as a prince with a deep sense of justice. His method of torture was a horse attached to each of the victim’s legs as a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled, and care was taken that the stake not be too sharp; else the victim might die too rapidly from shock. Wikipedia has an article that describes, in great details, the methods of Vlad’s cruelty. The list of tortures he is alleged to have employed is extensive: nails in heads, cutting off of limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off of noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposureto the elements or to animals, and boiling alive. There are claims that on some occasions ten thousand people were impaled in 1460 alone.

3. Ivan IV of Russia


Ivan IV of Russia, also know as Ivan the Terrible, was the Grand Duke of Muscovy from 1533 to 1547 and was the first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar. In 1570, Ivan was under the belief that the elite of the city of Novgorod planned to defect to Poland, and led an army to stop them on January 2. Ivan’s soldiers built walls around the perimeter of the city in order to prevent thepeople of the city escaping. Between 500 and 1000 people were gathered every day by the troops, then tortured and killed in front of Ivan and his son. In 1581, Ivan beat his pregnant daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothing, causing a miscarriage. His son, also named Ivan, upon learning of this, engaged in a heated argument with his father, which resulted in Ivan striking his son in the head with his pointed staff, causing his son’s (accidental) death.

2. Adolf Hitler


Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, becoming “Führer” in 1934 until his suicide in 1945. By the end of the second world war, Hitler’s policies of territorial conquest and racial subjugation had brought death and destruction to tens of millions ofpeople , including the genocide of some six million Jews in what is now known as the Holocaust. On 30 April 1945, after intense street-to-street combat, when Soviet troops were spotted within a block or two of the Reich Chancellory, Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself while simultaneously biting into a cyanide capsule.

1. Josef Stalin

Joseph Stalin

Stalin was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee from 1922 until his death in 1953. Under Stalin’s leadership, the Ukraine suffered from a famine (Holodomor) so great it is considered by many to be an act of genocide on the part of Stalin’s government. Estimates of the number of deaths range from 2.5 million to 10 million. The famine was caused by direct political and administrative decisions. In addition to the famine, Stalin ordered purges within the Soviet Union of any person deemed to be an enemy of the state. In total, estimates of the total number murdered under Stalins reign, range from 10 million to 60 million.

Bonus: Emperor Hirohito of Japan


Hirohito was the Emporer of Japan from 1926 to 1989. In 1937, Japanese troops committed the war crime that is now known as the Rape of Nanking (the then Capital of China, now known as Nanjing). The duration of the massacre is not clearly defined, although the violence lasted well into the next six weeks, until early February 1938. During the occupation of Nanjing, the Japanese army committed numerous atrocities, such as rape, looting, arson and the execution of prisoners of war and civilians. A large number of women and children were also killed, as rape and murder became more widespread. The death toll is generally considered to be between 150,000 and 300,000. The Wikipedia article contains images and descriptions of the atrocities committed.


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Kisah 2 orang cewek

Ada dua orang gadis. Salah satu dari mereka cara berpikirnya Matematis (M) dan yang lainnya cara berpikirnya menggunakan Logika (L). Mereka berdua berjalan pulang melewati jalan yang gelap, dan jarak rumah mereka masih agak jauh. Setelah beberapa lama mereka berjalan...
M : Apakah kamu juga memperhatikan ada seorang pria yang sedang berjalan mengikuti kita kira-kira sejak 38 1/2 menit yang lalu? Saya khawatir dia bermaksud jelek.

L : Itu hal yang Logis. Dia ingin memperkosa kita.

M : Oh tidak, dengan kecepatan berjalan kita seperti ini, dalam waktu 15 menit dia akan berhasil menangkap kita. Apa yang harus kita lakukan?

L : Hanya ada 1 cara logis yang harus kita lakukan, yaitu berjalan lebih cepat.

M : Itu tidak banyak membantu, gimana nih?

L : Tentu saja itu tidak membantu, Logikanya kalau kita berjalan lebih cepat dia juga akan mempercepat jalannya.

M : Lalu, apa yang harus kita lakukan? Dengan kecepatan kita seperti ini dia akan berhasil menangkap kita dalam waktu 2 1/2 menit.

L : Hanya ada satu langkah Logis yang harus kita lakukan, kamu lewat jalan yang ke kiri dan aku lewat jalan yang ke kanan, sehingga dia tidak bisa mengikuti kita berdua dan hanya salah satu yang diikuti olehnya.

Setelah kedua gadis itu berpisah, ternyata Pria tadi mengikuti langkah si gadis yang menggunakan logika (L). Gadis matematis (M) tiba di rumah lebih dulu dan dia khawatir akan keselamatan sahabatnya. Tidak berapa lama Gadis Logika (L) datang.

M : Oh, terima kasih Tuhan. Sahabat saya tiba dengan selamat. Eh, gimana pengalamanmu diikuti oleh Pria tadi?

L : Setelah kita berpisah dia mengikuti aku terus.

M : Ya.. ya.. Tetapi apa yang terjadi kemudian dengan kamu?

L : Sesuai dengan logika, saya langsung lari sekuat tenaga dan pria itu pun juga lari sekuat tenaga.

M : Dan.. dan..

L : Sesuai dengan logika, dia berhasil mendekati saya di tempat yang gelap.

M : Lalu.. Apa yang kamu lakukan?

L : Hanya ada satu hal logis yang dapat saya lakukan, yaitu saya mengangkat rok saya.

M : Oh...Lalu apa yang dilakukan pria tadi?

L : Sesuai dengan logika, dia menurunkan celananya.

M : Oh tidak. Lalu apa yang terjadi kemudian?

L : Hal yang logis bukan, kalau gadis yang mengangkat roknya larinya lebih cepat dari pada lelaki yang berlari sambil memelorotkan celananya. So, akhirnya aku bisa lolos dari pria itu.

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Top 10 Famous Slaves

Slavery is a very ancient institution which is even sanctioned in the Bible: “Let your bondmen, and your bondwomen, be of the nations that are round about you” [Leviticus 25:44]. While most of the Western world has abolished this practice, there are still some nations that turn a blind eye to a very active slave trade. This is a list of the most famous slaves in history. It is very difficult to write such a subjective list in light of the enormous number of slaves that are known in history, nevertheless I have endeavored to do so.

10. Margaret Garner


Margaret Garner was a slave in pre-Civil War America notorious for killing her two year oldbutcher knife, rather than see the child returned to slavery. Margaret was not tried for murder, but was forced to return to a slave state along with her youngest child, and a daughter aged about nine months. The Liberator reported on March 11, 1856 that the steamboat Lewis, on which the Garners were traveling, began to sink and thatMargaret and her baby daughter were thrown overboard when another boat coming to their rescue hit the Lewis. Sadly, the baby was drowned. It was reported thatMargaret was happy that her baby had died and that she would try to drown herself. daughter with a

9. Abram Petrovich Gannibal


Major-General Abram Petrovich Gannibal, also Hannibal or Ganibal, (1696 – 20 April 1781) was an African slave who was brought to Russia by Peter the Great and became major-general, military engineer and governor of Reval. He is perhaps best known today as the great-grandfather of Aleksandr Pushkin, who wrote an unfinished novel about him, The Moor of Peter the Great.

8. Ammar ibn Yasir

Prophet Bedouins Large

Ammar bin Yasir is one of the most famous companions of Muhammad, and was among the slaves freed by Abu Bakr. He is venerated by Shi’a Muslims as one of the Four Companions, early Muslims who were followers of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Ammar was born in the Year of the Elephant (570). Therefore he is as old as Muhammad. Ammar was a friend of Muhammad even before Islam. He was one of the intermediaries in his marriage to Khadijat Al-Kubra. He was a slave of Banu Adi. He was killed by a group loyal to Mu’Awiyah in the battle of Siffin (657). His killer was ibn Hawwa esaksaki and Abu Al’Adiyah.

7. Nat Turner


Nat Turner was a black preacher who led an 1831 uprising in Southampton County, Virginia in which at least 55 whites were killed by a group of about 50slaves . Turner was a deeply religious man who claimed to have visions and directives from God. On the night of 21 August 1831 he led four otherslaves (Henry, Hark, Nelson and Sam) on a murderous spree near the town of Jerusalem, killing men, women and children in their beds. By the next day his mob had grown to at least 40 or 50, but the local militia confronted and captured most of them. Turner escaped, but was eventually captured in October and tried. He was hanged and skinned 11 November 1831. Before he was executed, he described his actions to Thomas R. Gray, and “The Confessions of Nat Turner” was later widely published in newspapers. Turner’s failed rebellion led to hundreds of blacks being murdered by white vigilante mobs, and spurred a new set of strict codes that limited the activities ofslaves.

6. James Somersett

Image From Abolitionist Pamphlet

James Somerset or Somersett was a young African slave who was purchased by Charles Stuart in Virginia in 1749. Stuart was involved in English government service and traveled as part of his duties accompanied by Somerset, who at the time did not have a first name. In 1769, Stuart along with Somersett traveled to England. While in England, Somersett met and became involved with people associated with the anti-slavery movement in England including the well known activist Granville Sharp. During this period, Somersett was christened with the name James in a church ceremony. Somersett was recaptured after escaping, and his trial ultimately spelt the end ofslavery in England (though not English participation in slavery in its other nations).

5. Enrique of Malacca


Enrique of Malacca was a native of the Malay Archipelago. Also known as Henry the Black, he was Ferdinand Magellan’s personal servant and interpreter. He had been reportedly captured by Sumatran slavers from his home islands. In 1511 he was purchased by Ferdinand Magellan in a Malaccan slave market and baptized as Henrique (spanish Enrique), (his original name is not recorded). Thereafter he worked as a personal slave and interpreter, accompanying Magellan back to Europe, and onwards on Magellan’s famous search for a westward passage to the Pacific Ocean. He is simply called Enrique on the ship’s muster roll, and Henrich in Pigafetta’s account of the expedition. If a loose definition of circumnavigation (ie, not returning to the exact same spot), then Enrique has an undisputed claim to being the first circumnavigator. He made the first known cultural circumnavigation, travelling around the world until he reached people who spoke his language. He (and Magellan) may also have crossed every meridian — that is he crossed every line of longitude, or circumnavigated the poles.

4. Frederick Douglass


Born in bondage on the eastern shore of Maryland, Douglass worked for several different slaveholders in both eastern Maryland and Baltimore between 1818 and 1838. During his youth, Douglass became proficiently literate by readingthe Bible and classic orations and listening to the sermons of antislavery black preachers and Quakers. These experiences later contributed to his unyielding abolitionism and fierce egalitarianism. In 1838, while a ship caulker’s apprentice, Douglass acquired free seaman papers and escaped to New York City. He then moved to Massachusetts and became involved in antislavery activism, under the tutelage of William Lloyd Garrison. Eventually rejecting the apolitical nature of Garrisonian abolitionism, Douglass moved to Rochester, New York, and founded his own abolition journal, The North Star.

3. Saint Patrick

St Patrick-Banising Snakes-Large-1

St. Patrick is revered by Christians for establishing the church in Ireland during the fifth century AD. The precise dates and details of his life are unclear, but some points are generally agreed: as a teen he was captured and sold intoslavery in Ireland, and six years later he escaped to Gaul (now France) where he later became a monk. Around 432 he returned to Ireland as a missionary and succeeded in converting many of the island’s tribes to Christianity. Late in life he wrote a brief text, Confessio, detailing his life and ministry. His feast day, March 17, is celebrated as a day of Irish pride in many parts of the world.

2. Aesop


Aesop, famous for his Fables, is supposed to have lived from about 620 to 560 BC. The place of his birth is uncertain — Thrace, Phrygia, Aethiopia, Samos, Athens and Sardis all claiming the honor. We possess little trustworthy information concerning his life, except that he was the slave of Iadmon of Samos and met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi. Aesop must have received his freedom from Iadmon, or he could not have conducted the public defense of a certain Samian demagogue (Aristotle, Rhetoric, II 20). According to the story, he subsequently lived at the court of Croesus, where he met Solon, and dined in the company of the Seven Sages of Greece with Periander at Corinth. It is probable that Aesop did not commit his fables to writing; Aristophanes represents Philocleon as having learned the “absurdities” of Aesop from conversation at banquets, and Socrates whiles away his time in prison by turning some of Aesop’s fables “which he knew” into verse.

1. Spartacus


Spartacus, a Thracian, served in the Roman army. He became a bandit and was sold as a slave when caught. He escaped a gladiatorial school, where he had plotted a revolt with other gladiators, and set up camp on Mount Vesuvius, where he was joined by other runawayslaves and some peasants. With a force of 90,000, he overran most of southern Italy, defeating two consuls. He led his army north to the Cisalpine Gaul, where he hoped to release them to find freedom, but they refused to leave, preferring to continue the struggle. Returning south, he attempted to invade Sicily but could not arrange the passage. The legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus caught the slave army in Lucania and defeated it; Spartacus fell in pitched battle. Pompey’s army intercepted and killed many of those escaping north, and Crassus crucified 6,000 prisoners along the Appian Way.


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Top 10 Badass Female Warriors

This is a list of the greatest female warriors through history. In order to be selected for this list, the woman has had to be someone who fought in battle herself, not just commanding from a distance, and she had to be real – for this reason people like Hua Mulan are not included as there is a lot of doubt about their historical existence.

10. Gudit
960 AD


Gudit (also known as Judit) was a non-Christian queen who ruled DÊ¿mt around 960 AD. She laid waste to Axum (the then-Sacred capital of Ethiopia – image above) and its countryside. She destroyed monuments and churches and attempted to wipe out all of the members of the ruling dynasty (descendants of the Queen of Sheba). Her activities are recorded in oral tradition and in various historical records. It is believed that she killed the emperor and took over his throne where she reigned for 40 years. Tales of her violence and history are still told by peasants in the North Ethiopian communities. It is traditionally believed that she sacked and destroyed Debre Damo, the treasury and prison for male relatives of the King of Ethiopia.

9. Triệu Thị Trinh
225 AD


Triệu Thị Trinh was a Vietnamese warrior from the 3rd century who successfully resisted the occupying forces of the Wu Kingdom during their time in Vietnam. She was born in the Trieu Son district of Thanh Hoa province (now in Northern Vietnam). At the time of her birth, the area was controlled by the Eastern Wu Kingdom, one of China’s three Kingdoms. She was orphaned at a young age and was raised by her brother and his wife as a slave until the age of 20. She escaped from her brother’s home and fled to the jungle where she built up an army of at least 1,000 men and women soldiers. Triệu Trinh managed to liberate an area of Vietnam which she then claimed as her own. Bythe age of 23 she had defeated at least 30 Wu advances. It was said that she rode in to battle on the back of an elephant whilst wearing golden armor and carrying two swords.

8. Boudicca
1st Century AD


Boudicca was a Queen of the people of Norfolk who lead an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire. Her husband had left his kingdom jointly to his daughters and the Roman Emperor when he died, but the Romans did not acknowledge the joint rule – they simply took full control. It was reported that Boudica was flogged and her daughters raped. She was eventually chosen as the leader of her people and their neighbors to lead an assault on the Romans. Her army had great success in their battles – and in fact completely demolished the city of Camulodunum (Colchester). Tacitus said that the Britons had no desire to take prisoners – they simply slaughtered everyone in their path. Dio said that the noble Roman women were beheaded and had their breasts cut off and sewn to their mouths. Ironically, the great anti-imperialist rebel is now identified with the head of the British Empire, and her statue stands guard over the city she razed to the ground.

7. TrÆ°ng Sisters
1st Century AD


The Trưng Sisters were Vietnamese military leaders who managed to repel Chinese invasions for over three years. They are regarded as national heroines of Vietnam. They were born during the thousand-year Chinese occupation. After fighting off a small Chinese unit from their village, they assembled an army mostly consisting of women. Within months they had taken back many regionsfrom the Chinese and had liberated Nam Việt. They became Queens of the country and resisted all further attacks from the Chinese for two years. Eventually the Chinese formed a large army to crush the sisters and their army. Legend has it that the Chinese army went in to battle totally naked in order to shame the women soldiers in to defeat. Despite a heroic effort on the part of the sisters, the Chinese overcame their army. To protect their honor and to avoid ridicule at the hands of the Chinese, the two queens committed suicide by drowning themselves in the Hát river.

6. Artemisia I of Caria
5th Century BC


Artemisia I of Caria became the ruler of Ionia as a client of the Persians. She is best remembered for her participation in the Battle of Salamis (image above). She alone counseled the King of Persia (Xerxes) not to meet the Greeks at sea and do battle. Nevertheless he did not heed her advice and she participated in the battle in September 480 BC as the commander of five ships. At one point in the battle the Greeks were close to capturing her trireme when she devised a cunning plan to escape. She had her own ship bear down on another Persian ship causing the Greeks to think that she was fighting on their side. When she sank the ship the Greeks left her alone. Xerxes watching from a nearby hill also assumed that she had defeated an enemy ship and praised her for her bravery. Xerxes was so full of praise for her that he said: “My men have turned into women and my women into men!”. Artemisia tried to convince Xerxes to retreat to Asia Minoragainst the advice of his other generals. Ultimately the Persians suffered a great defeat.

5. Fu Hao
1200 BC


Fu Hao was a consort of King Wu Ding of the Shang dynasty. She also (unusually for that time) served as a high priestess and military general. Her tomb (image above) was discovered in Yinxu (the ruins of the Shang Capital, Yin) full intact with her treasures. She is known to modern scholars mainly from inscriptions on Shang dynasty oracle bone artifacts. In the inscriptions she is shown to have lead many military campaigns. The Tu fought again the Shang for many generations until Fu Hao finally defeated them in a single battle. Further campaignsagainst the neighbouring Yi, Qiang, and Ba were to follow – with the latter being particularly well known as the earliest recorded large scale ambush in Chinese history. With over 13,000 troops, she was the most powerful military leader of her time.

4. Ahhotep I
16th Century BC


Ahhotep I was such an important figure in the early New Kingdom that she is considered to have been a pivotal figure in the founding of the eighteenth dynasty. She had a long and influential life and ruled as regent after the death of her father. She enabled her two sons (Kamose and Ahmose I) to unite Egypt after the Hyskos occupation. She was instrumental in driving the Hyskos invaders out of Egypt. She lived untilthe age of ninety and was buried beside Kamose at Thebes.

She is the one who has accomplished the rites and taken care of Egypt… She has looked after her soldiers, she has guarded her, she has brought back her fugitives and collected together her deserters, she has pacified Upper Egypt and expelled her rebels.

Weapons and jewelry found in the tomb of Ahhotep I include an axe depicting Ahmose I striking down a Hyskos soldier, and flies in honor forthe queen in her role against the Hyskos. She was considered a warrior Queen and was presented with the Order of Valor. She was honored with a stela, commissioned by Ahmose I in the temple of Amun-Re that praises her military accomplishments.

3. St Joan of Arc
15th Century AD


Saint Joan of Arc appeared before the Crown Prince of France after receiving visions she claimed were from God telling her to fight to take France backfrom the English late in the Hundred Years’ War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent her to the siege at Orléans. She gained great recognition after she was able to lift the siege in only nine days. After several more swift victories, she led Charles VII to his coronation at Rheims. She is the only person ever recorded to have commanded the entire army of a nation atthe age of seventeen. Despite sustaining wounds to the neck and head, she continued to lead the country to victory repeatedly. She was tried for heresy in a false court and burnt at the stake. Her trial was declared invalid by the Pope and she was canonized as a saint many years later.

2. Zenobia
3rd Century AD


Septima Zenobia governed Syria from about 250 to 275 AD. She led her armies on horseback wearing full armor and during Claudius’ reign defeated the Roman legions so decisively that they retreated from much of Asia Minor. Arabia, Armenia and Persia allied themselves with her and she declared herself Queen of Egypt by right of ancestry. Claudius’ successor Aurelian sent his most experienced legions to conquer Zenobia but it took almost 4 years of battles and sieges before her capital city of Palmyra fell and Zenobia along with nine other martial queens of allied provinces were paraded through the streets of Rome in chains. Aurelian exiled Zenobia to Tibur. Her daughters married into influential Roman families and her line continued to be important in Roman politics for almost three centuries. Mavia, was Queen of the Bedouin Saracens from 370 to 380 AD. She led her troops in defeating a Roman army then made a favorable peace and married her daughter to the Roman commander in chief of the eastern Emperor Valens.

1. Tamar of Georgia
13th Century AD


Tamar (sometimes known as Tamara) was the daughter of the Georgian King Giorgi III. Her father declared her co-ruler and heir apparent to prevent dispute after his death. After the death of her father, Tamar gained a reputation as an outstanding ruler and was dubbed “King of Kings and Queen of Queens” by her people. Her reign saw the bringing to heel of almost every neighboring Muslim state. Tamar played an active military role as the commander of her army. During her reign the kingdom reached the apex of its political, economic and cultural might. In 1201-1203, Georgians took and annexed the Armenian capitals of Ani and Dvin. In 1204, Tamar’s army occupied the city of Kars. In 1204, Tamar helped to found the Empire of Trebizond on the southern shore of the Black Sea (whose capital is now the Turkish city of Trabzon). Queen Tamar died in 1213.


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