One of the incredible pieces by French French artist Marchal Mithouard, who goes by the monicker Shaka, which blend graffiti with sculpture

One of the incredible pieces by French artist Marchal Mithouard, who goes by the monicker Shaka, which blend graffiti with sculpture








Mithouard, whose works appear to have an underlying theme of revolt and rebellion, has created art that literally jumps out of the canvas

Mithouard, whose works appear to have an underlying theme of revolt and rebellion, has created art that literally jumps out of the canvas

Wild bunch: This snarling group of men, portrayed in vivid technicolour, appear to jump out of the canvas in another of Shaka's pieces

Wild bunch: This snarling group of men, portrayed in vivid technicolour, appear to jump out of the canvas in another of Shaka's pieces

Trolley dash: The aggressive human figures formed from a multitude of intertwined objects are partially inspired by the works of Caravaggio, Arcimboldo, and Van Gogh

Trolley dash: The aggressive human figures formed from a multitude of intertwined objects are partially inspired by the works of Caravaggio, Arcimboldo, and Van Gogh

Mother and child: The technique, known as bas-relief, involves making certain elements of the work more prominent than others either carving away material or adding new layers

Mother and child: The technique, known as bas-relief, involves making certain elements of the work more prominent than others either carving away material or adding new layers

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Wanita Ini Tidur Bersama 400 Boneka Disney

Wanita Ini Tidur Bersama 400 Boneka Disney

Bahkan suaminya harus mencari ruang untuknya merebah.

Bukan hal yang aneh jika seorang wanita memiliki banyak boneka di kamar mereka. Namun apa jadinya jika boneka tersebut berjumlah ratusan, tersimpan dalam satu ruang tidur?

Adalah Caroline Rayner, 27, di California, Amerika Serikat, yang menumpuk sebanyak 400 koleksi boneka memorabilia Walt Disney miliknya di kamar tidur. Bisa dibayangkan, boneka itu menutup hampir seluruh ruang tidurnya, hingga ke lantai dan kasur.

Bahkan suaminya, David Rayner, harus berjuang menjadi tempat untuk rebah saat memasuki kamar tersebut. Diperkirakan seluruh koleksinya tersebut seharga lebih dari Rp75 juta. Koleksinya yang terbesar adalah boneka beruang Baloo dari Jungle Book setinggi 1,2 meter.

Caroline mengaku mendapatkan boneka pertamanya 27 tahun lalu, yaitu boneka Mickey Mouse. Semenjak itu, boneka menjadi teman terbaik baginya. "Saya adalah korban bullying di SMP, jadi untuk menghibur diri, saya membeli boneka. Dari situlah jumlah boneka saya bertambah," kata Caroline.

Awalnya, dia mengaku khawatir calon suaminya tidak bisa menerima hobinya tersebut. Beruntung, suaminya sekarang sangat mendukung, bahkan membantu Caroline mencari boneka-boneka baru di internet.

"Saat kami pacaran, David tidak memberikan saya bunga atau coklat, tapi mainan Disney," kata Caroline, dilansir Daily Mail.

Saat pernikahan, David bahkan membuat acara resepsi bertemakan Walt Disney. Mulai dari musik, balon dan kue dalam acara tersebut tentang Disney, sehingga banyak yang terkecoh antara pesta perkawinan atau ulang tahun bocah.

Caroline memiliki target untuk memecahkan rekor pengoleksi memorabilia Disney terbanyak. Saat ini, rekor tersebut dipegang oleh Mary Brooks yang memiliki 1.411 memorabilia Donal Bebek. "Suatu saat saya akan memegang rekor atas koleksi saya yang menakjubkan ini," kata dia. (sj)

Fanatic: Caroline Rayner, 27, has a collection of more than 400 Disney toys, worth �5,000

Fanatic: Caroline Rayner, 27, has a collection of more than 400 Disney toys, worth �5,000

Caroline and David Rayner stand next to a Mickey Mouse cake at their Disney-themed wedding reception

Caroline and David Rayner stand next to a Mickey Mouse cake at their Disney-themed wedding reception

Massive: The impressive collection takes pride of place in Mrs Rayner's bedroom in Bromley, Kent

Massive: The impressive collection takes pride of place in Mrs Rayner's bedroom in Bromley, Kent

Happy family: Mrs Rayner rests against a 4ft cuddly model of the Jungle Book character Baloo as she shows off her collection

Happy family: Mrs Rayner rests against a 4ft cuddly model of the Jungle Book character Baloo as she shows off her collection

Fascination: Caroline Rayner feared that her husband would be put off when he first saw the collection, but he scours car boot sales to help her add to it

Fascination: Caroline Rayner feared that her husband would be put off when he first saw the collection, but he scours car boot sales to help her add to it

Caroline Rayner started her collection when she bought a Mickey mouse toy at the age of three
Pursuit: Caroline Rayner, pictured with a giant Mickey mouse toy, wants to break the world record for Disney collecting

Pursuit: Caroline Rayner's obsession began when she bought a Mickey mouse toy at the age of three (left). She now owns a larger version of the toy (right) and wants to break the world record for Disney collecting

sumber :http://dunia.news.viva.co.id/news/read/346221-wanita-ini-tidur-bersama-400-boneka-disney

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Inikah Foto Pernikahan Terbaik?

Meski pasangan asal Australia ini menikah di sebuah peternakan terpencil, kesabaran mereka membuahkan foto pernikahan yang luar biasa. Mungkin, foto mereka yang terbaik di jagad raya.

Eksposur kamera selama 71 detik dengan sensor ekstra sensitif untuk menangkap cahaya redup dari kejauhan, membuat Shirley dan Warren Andrews harus berdiri diam selama fotografer berbakat, Lakshal Perera, menangkap gambar mereka.

Hasilnya, sebagaimana diberitakan Daily Mail, amat luar biasa. Shirley yang berasal dari Inggris, amat bahagia melihat hasil jepretan Perera bersama Warren yang asli Australia. Perera pun bangga.

�Pemilik pertanian mengizinkan mereka menggunakan halaman belakangnya untuk menikah. Cahayanya remang-remang. Ini foto satu-satunya dan mereka benar-benar harus berdiri diam,� ujar si fotografer asal Melbourne itu.

Perera menggunakan ISO tertinggi untuk mengurangi kecepatan shutter. Eksposur pertama selama 59 detik, hasilnya tak bagus. Percobaan kedua, Perera menggeret Shirley dan Warren dan meminta mereka untuk bersabar dan diam.

Shirley yang juga seorang fotografer profesional, mengaku karya Perera ini luar biasa sempurna. �Tak peduli setting teknikal apapun, foto ini lebih sempurna ketimbang pernikahan itu sendiri!� ujarnya gembira.

Lalu, kamera apa yang digunakan Perera? Ia bersedia membongkar rahasia dan berkata telah menggunakan kamera Canon 5D MK3 pada ISO4000 dan f/5.6, menggunakan lensa 16-35mm f2.8L di 17 mm.

�Saya melihat foto-foto masa kini dan banyak yang berdiskusi apakah itu photoshop atau tidak. Banyak yang berkata foto saya ini palsu. Tapi saya tak ambil pusing, yang jelas saya sudah ungkap bagaimana saya menjepretnya,� pungkas Perera.

Stellar: Newly-wed Shirley and Warren Andrews celebrate their marriage with this astonishing portrait, set against the stunning backdrop of the Milky Way galaxy

Stellar: Newly-wed Shirley and Warren Andrews celebrate their marriage with this astonishing portrait, set against the stunning backdrop of the Milky Way galaxy

sumber :http://web.inilah.com/read/detail/1897217/inikah-foto-pernikahan-terbaik

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Inilah Jadwal Bigmatch Liga Primer Malam Nanti

Dua laga bigmatch dari kancah Liga Primer Inggris bakal disiarkan secara langsung mulai nanti malam. Berikut jadwal lengkapnya.

Kedua partai yang bakal disiarkan langsung malam nanti adalah Etoke City melawan Arsenal dan partai bigmatch yang mempertemukan Liverpool melawan Manchester City.

Arsenal dan Stoke City tentunya sama-sama mengincar raihan poin maksimal di laga nanti, setelah hanya mampu meraih hasil imbang di pekan perdana.


Kendati bertindak sebagai tim tamu, Arsenal tentunya lebih dijagokan memenangkan pertandingan nanti karena memiliki skuad lebih mumpuni.

Partai nanti juga merupakan ajang pembuktian bagi bomber anyar 'The Gunners' Olivier Giroud yang diplot sebagai pengganti Robin Van Persie yang hijrah ke Manchester United.

Jadi, mampukah Giroud mencetak gol perdananya di laga nanti? Saksikanlah di Global TV pada pukul 19.30 malam WIB.

Selanjutnya, duel panas yang mempertemukan dua tim raksasa Inggris, Liverpool melawan Manchester City, bakal tersaji.

Pelatih Manchester City tentunya masih dibayangi mimpi buruk musim lalu. 'The Citizen' musim lalu disingkirkan Liverpool pada babak semifinal Piala Liga.

Namun, mental City saat ini sedang menggebu setelah menang dramatis 3-2 melawan Southampton di pekan perdana. Sementara, Liverpool tumbang tiga gol tanpa balas melawan West Bromwich Albion.

Pertandingan nanti bakal disiarkan secara langsung di MNCTV pada pukul 22.00 malam WIB.

sumber :http://bola.inilah.com/read/detail/1897546/inilah-jadwal-bigmatch-liga-primer-malam-nanti

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Jejak kaki di bulan yang fenomenal sekaligus kontroversial

Dalam sejarah, manusia pertama yang berhasil diluncurkan ke angkasa adalah kosmonot dari Uni Soviet bernama Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin atau yang dikenal dengan nama Yuri Gagarin. Namun, ketenaran Gagarin nampaknya masih kalah dengan ketenaran dua astronot Amerika Serikat atau satu jejak kaki manusia pertama di bulan yang berhasil diabadikan dengan menggunakan visor reflection.

Tanggal 20 Juli 2012 yang juga merupakan tanggal yang sama ketika manusia berhasil menginjakkan kakinya di bulan 43 tahun yang lalu. Tepatnya tanggal 20 Juli 1969, jam 10:56 malam (waktu Amerika Serikat), berjarak sekitar 240 ribu dari bumi, tiga orang astronot Amerika Serikat bernama Michael Collins, Neil Amstrong dan Buzz Aldrin mendaratkan pesawat luar angkasa yang mereka tumpangi di permukaan bulan.

Jejak kaki di bulan yang fenomenal sekaligus kontroversial

Dengan mendaratnya pesawat luar angkasa NASA yang bernama Apollo 11 tersebut, sejarah mencatat bahwa Amstrong, Aldrin dan Collins adalah tiga manusia kedua yang pergi ke luar angkasa sekaligus manusia pertama yang berhasil tiba di bulan. Sejarah mencatat bahwa orang pertama yang menginjakkan kakinya di bulan adalah Amstrong, sedangkan Aldrin dan Collins masih harus berada di dalam pesawat luar angkasa untuk memantau semua sistem pendaratan dan sistem lainnya.

Setelah memastikan semua sistem terkendali, Aldrin mulai keluar dan turun dari pesawat. Aktifitas Amstrong dan Aldrin di permukaan bulan yang dinamakan dengan Sea of Transquility tersebut hanya berdurasi dua jam saja, kemudian mereka kembali ke dalam pesawat. Uniknya, seperti yang ditulis oleh BBC.co.uk, walaupun Amstrong yang keluar dan menjadi manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kaki di bulan, jejak kaki milik Aldrin-lah yang paling terkenal.

Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin erect the U.S. flag on the lunar surface on July 20, 1969

Historic: Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin erect the U.S. flag on the lunar surface on July 20, 1969

Dikarenakan Amstrong pada saat awal hanya terpaku dan kagum akan keindahan bumi dari jauh serta melakukan beberapa aktifitas lainnya, Aldrin bertugas untuk memotret aktifitas yang dilakukan Amstrong pada saat itu, termasuk mengabadikan jejak kakinya yang sekarang menjadi terkenal dan menjadi bukti jejak kaki pertama manusia di bulan yang berhasil diabadikan.

Pioneers: This picture taken in May 1969 shows, left to right, Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin - the crew of the historic Apollo 11 mission

Pioneers: This picture taken in May 1969 shows, left to right, Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin - the crew of the historic Apollo 11 mission

One small step: Neil Armstrong's foot on the moon
Neil Armstrong

One small step: A rare image of Armstrong on the moon, left, his foot leaving a distinctive print in the lunar dust. After his 'moonwalk', a tired but clearly delighted Armstrong beams for the camera

Namun, beberapa tahun setelah pendaratan di bulan tersebut, muncul isu-isu kontrovesial yang menyebutkan bahwa foto-foto yang diambil oleh Aldrin sampai dengan pendaratan Apollo 11 adalah berita bohong atau hoax. Munculnya berita tersebut otomatis membuat panas NASA dan berulang kali departemen luar angkasa Amerika Serikat ini mengeluarkan bukti dan penjelasan seputar Apollo 11 dan foto-foto aktifitas Amstrong di bulan termasuk foto jejak kaki Aldrin tersebut, bahkan tidak sedikit yang menyebutkan bahwa misi luar angkasa Apollo 11 tersebut adalah konspirasi Amerika Serikat agar tidak kalah dan malu dengan negara saingannya yaitu Uni Soviet.

Tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat sebuah penelitian yang mencoba menguak foto-foto pendaratan Apollo 11 di bulan dengan menganalisa pencahayaan yang terabadikan di foto jejak kaki Aldrin tersebut. Memang apabila diputar secara terbalik, cahaya dan bayangan yang terdapat di foto jejak kaki tersebut sangat aneh dan banyak orang mengatakan bahwa foto jejak kaki tersebut adalah ilusi optik.

Iconic image: Despite the most famous portrait from the surface of the moon being of Aldrin, it was taken by Armstrong - adding photography to his already impressive CV

Iconic image: Despite the most famous portrait from the surface of the moon being of Aldrin, it was taken by Armstrong - adding photography to his already impressive CV

new still image that shows Neil Armstrong's face for the first time as he walks on the moon

Face first: Neil Armstrong has been presented with a copy of the picture

Astronaut Edwin

Iconic: Photographs taken by Armstrong of fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Astronaut Edwin

Walaupun sampai sekarang perdebatan seputar pendaratan Apollo 11 di bulan tersebut, namun sejarah tetap tidak dapat dihapus dan akan terus tercatat bahwa Apollo 11, Neil Amstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins serta foto jejak kaki fenomenal milik Aldrin tetap disebut sebagai bukti sejarah bahwa Amerika Serikat adalah negara pertama yang berhasil mengirim manusia ke bulan untuk pertama kali. Bagaimana menurut Anda

sumber :http://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/jejak-kaki-di-bulan-yang-fenomenal-sekaligus-kontroversial.html

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Neil Armstrong, Manusia Pertama yang Menginjak Bulan Meninggal Dunia

Mantan astronot AS, Neil Armstrong, manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kaki di bulan, telah meninggal dunia pada usia 82 tahun.

Demikian keterangan keluarga Neil Armstrong, seperti dikutip detikcom dari reuters, Minggu (26/8/2012).

Armstrong menjalani operasi jantung awal bulan ini, hanya dua hari setelah ulang tahunnya pada 5 Agustus 2012, untuk meringankan arteri koroner yang tersumbat.

Sebagai komandan misi Apollo 11, Armstrong menjadi manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kaki di bulan pada 20 Juli 1969. Saat ia menginjak permukaan berdebu, Armstrong mengatakan: " Itu sebuah jejak kecil seorang manusia, sebuah lompatan besar bagi seluruh umat manusia"

Kata-kata itu bertahan sebagai salah satu kutipan yang paling terkenal sampai saat ini.

Neil Alden Armstrong masih berusia 38 tahun pada waktu itu. Dan meskipun ia telah memenuhi impian manusia untuk menginjakkan kaki di bulan, dia tidak bersenang-senang dalam keberhasilannya.

"Saya kira kita semua ingin diakui bukan untuk salah satu bagian dari kembang api tetapi untuk buku besar dari pekerjaan kita sehari-hari," kata Armstrong dalam sebuah wawancara di CBS dalam program "60 Minutes" pada tahun 2005.

Dia pernah ditanya bagaimana perasaannya mengetahui jejak kakinya kemungkinan akan tetap di permukaan bulan selama ribuan tahun. "Aku agak berharap bahwa seseorang berjalan di sana suatu hari dan membersihkan jejak tersebut," katanya.

One giant leap: Neil Armstrong, who made the first mission to the moon in 1969 and was the first to step foot on the lunar surface, has died, aged 82

One giant leap: Neil Armstrong, who made the first mission to the moon in 1969 and was the first to step foot on the lunar surface, has died, aged 82

Legacy: A footprint left by one of the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shows in the soft, powder surface of the moon

Legacy: A footprint left by one of the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shows in the soft, powder surface of the moon

Touchdown: Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong leaves a footprint on the surface of the Moon at Tranquility Base on July 20, 1969

Touchdown: Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong leaves a footprint on the surface of the Moon at Tranquility Base on July 20, 1969

Lunar landing: Astronauts Neil Armstrong, left, and Buzz Aldrin, right, place an American flag on the lunar surface as taken from the Eagle Lunar Module

Lunar landing: Astronauts Neil Armstrong, left, and Buzz Aldrin, right, place an American flag on the lunar surface as taken from the Eagle Lunar Module

Tuning in: A shadow-shrouded Neil Armstrong begins to deploy equipment a few minutes after taking the first momentous and historic step; half a billion tuned in to watch the moment

Tuning in: A shadow-shrouded Neil Armstrong begins to deploy equipment a few minutes after taking the first momentous and historic step; half a billion tuned in to watch the moment

Master and commander: Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969, and is pictured smiling in the vessel

Master and commander: Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon July 20, 1969, and is pictured smiling in the vessel

Documenting: Armstrong, pictured in April 1969 holding a video camera, spent years training for the monumental launch

Documenting: Armstrong, pictured in April 1969 holding a video camera, spent years training for the monumental launch

Historic: The New York Times cover the day after the landing proudly chronicles the achievement

Historic: The New York Times cover the day after the landing proudly chronicles the achievement

Moon mission: U.S.astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the American flag on the moon's surface; Aldrin was the second man on the moon following Neil Armstrong

Moon mission: U.S.astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the American flag on the moon's surface; Aldrin was the second man on the moon following Neil Armstrong

Alien landscape: Armstrong, right, is seen at the Lunar Module Eagle on the historic first extravehicular activity (EVA) on the lunar surface; the photo was taken by Buzz Aldrin

Alien landscape: Armstrong, right, is seen at the Lunar Module Eagle on the historic first extravehicular activity (EVA) on the lunar surface; the photo was taken by Buzz Aldrin

Up up and away: On July 16, 1969, the American flag heralded the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission, lifting off with Armstrong and crew inside

Up up and away: On July 16, 1969, the American flag heralded the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission, lifting off with Armstrong and crew inside

The incredible journey: On July 16, 1969, with Neil Armstrong waving in front, the space crew heads for the van that will take them to the rocket for launch to the moon at Kennedy Space Center

The incredible journey: On July 16, 1969, with Neil Armstrong waving in front, the space crew heads for the van that will take them to the rocket for launch to the moon at Kennedy Space Center

Thumbs up: From another angle, Armstrong is seen giving a thumbs up as he and the crew walk to board the shuttle

Thumbs up: From another angle, Armstrong is seen giving a thumbs up as he and the crew walk to board the shuttle

Trinity: The crew of Apollo 11, pictured in 1969, from left are Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander, Michael Collins, Lt. Col. USAF, and Buzz Aldrin, USAF Lunar Module pilot

Trinity: The crew of Apollo 11, pictured in 1969, from left are Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander, Michael Collins, Lt. Col. USAF, and Buzz Aldrin, USAF Lunar Module pilot

Space pioneer: Neil Armstrong poses for a NASA portrait ahead of the historic 1969 Apollo 11 mission

Space pioneer: Neil Armstrong poses for a NASA portrait ahead of the historic 1969 Apollo 11 mission

Later days: Armstrong spoke at a celebration dinner honoring John Glenn in Columbus, Ohio in February, but rarely granted interviews or made public appearances

Later days: Armstrong spoke at a celebration dinner honoring John Glenn in Columbus, Ohio in February, but rarely granted interviews or made public appearances

Anniversary: Left to right, Apollo 11 crew members, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong posed for photos with President Obama on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing

Anniversary: Left to right, Apollo 11 crew members, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong posed for photos with President Obama on the 40th anniversary of the moon landing

Achievement: Speaking in a statement, President Obama said that when Armstrong set foot on the moon, he delivered what he called 'a moment of human achievement that will never be forgotten'; the two are pictured together in 2009

Achievement: Speaking in a statement, President Obama said that when Armstrong set foot on the moon, he delivered what he called 'a moment of human achievement that will never be forgotten'; the two are pictured together in 2009

All smiles: In 2011, Armstrong offered his testimony before a House committee hearing on NASA Human Spaceflight Past, Present and Future in Washington

All smiles: In 2011, Armstrong offered his testimony before a House committee hearing on NASA Human Spaceflight Past, Present and Future in Washington

Festivities: The astronauts wave as motorcade carries them through a deluge of ticker-tape and confetti in lower Manhattan on August 14 following the moon landing

Festivities: The astronauts wave as motorcade carries them through a deluge of ticker-tape and confetti in lower Manhattan on August 14 following the moon landing

Joyful: As they made their way up lower Broadway, the spacemen, from left, are Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, Jr., and Neil A. Armstrong, all waved

Joyful: As they made their way up lower Broadway, the spacemen, from left, are Michael Collins, Edwin Aldrin, Jr., and Neil A. Armstrong, all waved

World travels: From left to right, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, seen arriving at Heathrow Airport in London from Berlin for a 24-hour visit to Britain during their 22-nation 38 day world tour later in 1969

World travels: From left to right, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, seen arriving at Heathrow Airport in London from Berlin for a 24-hour visit to Britain during their 22-nation 38 day world tour later in 1969

Royal encounters: The astronaut and his then-wife Janet, left, met Queen Elizabeth II, far right, and Prince Andrew during a reception at Buckingham Palace after the moon landing

Royal encounters: The astronaut and his then-wife Janet, left, met Queen Elizabeth II, far right, and Prince Andrew during a reception at Buckingham Palace after the moon landing

Proper gear: In this March 9, 1966 file photo, Astronaut Neil Armstrong is seated during a suiting up exercise Cape Kennedy, Florida, in preparation for the Gemini 8 flight

Proper gear: In this March 9, 1966 file photo, Astronaut Neil Armstrong is seated during a suiting up exercise Cape Kennedy, Florida, in preparation for the Gemini 8 flight

Suited up: On March 6, 1966, Armstrong, pilot for the Gemini VIII mission is shown in his gear

Suited up: On March 6, 1966, Armstrong, pilot for the Gemini VIII mission is shown in his gear

Dinner briefings: Here, Apollo 11 astronauts go through more briefings in preparation for their launch their projected trip to the moon from Cape Kennedy, left to right, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong

Dinner briefings: Here, Apollo 11 astronauts go through more briefings in preparation for their launch their projected trip to the moon from Cape Kennedy, left to right, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong

Run-through: In 1966, astronauts Neil Armstrong, fourth from left, and David R. Scott, third from left, prepare for a simulated test to get ready for a launch

Run-through: In 1966, astronauts Neil Armstrong, fourth from left, and David R. Scott, third from left, prepare for a simulated test to get ready for a launch

Meet the press: Armstrong was introduced to the press on September 17, 1962, along with the other astronauts in Houston

Meet the press: Armstrong was introduced to the press on September 17, 1962, along with the other astronauts in Houston

Sky miles: Neil Armstrong poses with an X-15 aircraft at the Dryden Flight Research Center in California in an undated NASA handout

Sky miles: Neil Armstrong poses with an X-15 aircraft at the Dryden Flight Research Center in California in an undated NASA handout; before joining NASA, he served as a U.S. Navy pilot in the Korean War

sumber :http://news.detik.com/read/2012/08/26/031850/1999021/1148/neil-armstrong-manusia-pertama-yang-menginjak-bulan-meninggal-dunia

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