Wahana ekstrim The Swarm yang perlu diperbaiki

Wahana ekstrim The Swarm yang perlu diperbaiki setelah model manusia yang dipasang mengalami kerusakan dibagian tangan dan kaki.

The dummies on the outer seats of the front of The Swarm roller-coaster both lost an arm and a leg during a test run of the ride that opens in less than two months

The dummies on the outer seats of the front of The Swarm roller-coaster both lost an arm and a leg during a test run of the ride that opens in less than two months

The dummies on the outer seats of the front of The Swarm roller-coaster both lost an arm and a leg

Officials say they have now fixed the problem after the dummies suffered 'alarming' damage

The damage was done when the ride went too close to a life-size model of a church

The damage was done when the ride went too close to a life-size model of a church

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