Lensbaby, lens as Instagram for professional photographers


Lensbaby has launched a lens design that has the creative ability to distort the picture like Instagram as real time without having to do editing or manipulation through softwares.

Lensbaby’s lens has a rather odd shape, very different from a regular camera lens and has the unique ability to experiment with a variety of creative techniques such as blurred exposures, selective focus, tilt-shift and many other unique techniques.
Lensbaby is intended for professional photographers who used to use a camera type of SLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex). They could use Lensbaby’s accessory lens for shooting experience with a unique technique.
The company producing Lensbaby was founded by Craig Strong, a former photojournalist who often takes pictures to illustrate the sports news on the New York Times. Craig Strong is close enough to the avant garde photo community and like to experiment with unique techniques in photography.

Craig Strong is not only experimenting with a unique technique, but he also made a prototype of Lensbaby from the lens bought on the world’s largest auction site, eBay.
The prototype of Lensbaby is quite popular and encouraged Craig Strong to start a business with his partner, Sam Pardue. Five months after starting a business, the first Lensbaby’s lens on display at the Potrait & Wedding Photographers event in 2003.
Initially, the Lensbaby product has received criticism from various parties, because the initial design of packaging is strange and looks like the cheap stuff. Craig Strong then redesigned Lensbaby to be accepted in the market.

Craig Strong redesign the Lensbaby lens, changing the packaging, and led to success. He said that he has sold tens of thousands of Lensbaby for models that have been launched. Lensbaby lens is reportedly available for Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras.
Craig also added that it had about a dozen Lensbaby lenses in the lab and plans to spend at least six new models every year.

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